

Individuals, teams and organisations within the sports industry require sector-specific expertise. Our specialist solicitors are trusted by top athletes, agents, clubs and organisations in the UK and overseas.

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An Introduction to Quastels for Sports

Quastels provides strategic legal advice for sportspeople, athletes, teams, agents, competition organisers, federations, sponsors and other stakeholders operating in the sports industry.

We offer expert support on sports-related disputes, corporate transactions, regulatory advice, immigration support, reputation management, employment, data protection & privacy, real estate and other relevant matters.

Our sports law specialists work across a number of jurisdictions and have access to a network of global professionals. This, alongside our multidisciplinary approach, enables us to handle the most complex legal challenges.


Our Sports Services

Our team works across every area of sports law, offering strategic advice, legal support and high level representation on all sport-related legal matters.


Dispute Resolution

Quastels offers comprehensive dispute resolution expertise for all contentious sports-related matters. This includes contract disputes and disciplinary matters, as well as representation in the High Court.

Services provided:

  • Sports related arbitrations including FIFA, CAS, Premier League, EFL and FA arbitrations
  • High Court disputes
  • Contract and sponsorship disagreements
  • Disciplinary hearings and sanctions
  • Regulatory disputes, investigations and compliance
  • Reputation Management
Sports, Media & Entertainment



Our highly experienced solicitors offer full-service employment support, tailored to the unique needs of the sports industry.

Services provided:

  • HR compliance for teams and clubs
  • Employment disputes and resolutions
  • Advisory on sports employment regulations


Commercial Contracts & Sponsorship

We handle all commercial contracts and sponsorship matters, such as sponsorship deals, media rights and transfer agreements.

Services provided:

  • Transfer Agreements
  • Sponsorship and endorsement agreements
  • Commercial contract drafting and negotiation
  • Media rights deals
  • Licensing and merchandising agreements
  • Partnership contracts
Commercial Contracts


Corporate Transactions

Our experts manage all corporate transactions with a particular focus on sports organisations. Our solicitors deliver tailored advice on deal structures and contract terms that protect our clients.

Services provided:

  • Mergers and acquisitions for sports organisations
  • Joint ventures and corporate restructuring
  • Shareholder agreements and governance
  • Brand protection in corporate deals
  • Asset structuring for sports businesses
Corporate & Commercial


Private Wealth & Tax

Our private wealth and tax team delivers tailored advice on tax structuring and estate planning to help high-value sportspeople protect their assets.

Services provided:

  • Tax structuring for athletes
  • International tax advisory for sports professionals
  • Estate planning
  • Asset protection strategies
  • Inheritance tax and succession planning
Private Wealth & Tax



We simplify the immigration process, helping athletes and teams navigate international hires swiftly and effectively.

Services provided:

  • Work permits and visas for football players, athletes and coaches
  • Global mobility strategy for sports organisations
  • International transfer and immigration planning
  • GBE exemption status advice
  • Immigration compliance for international players


Data Protection & Privacy

We provide dependable legal support on data protection and privacy laws for individuals, teams and organisations. We advise on contentious matters as well as compliance and other non-contentious issues.

Services provided:

  • GDPR compliance for sports organisations
  • Data privacy policies for athletes and teams
  • Handling data breaches and regulatory investigations
  • Managing personal data for players and staff
  • Privacy rights advisory for athletes
  • Cross-border data transfers and compliance
Data Protection & Privacy


Commercial Real Estate

Quastels handles every aspect of Commercial Real Estate for sports organisations. We negotiate leases, manage acquisitions and provide representation for contentious matters such as landlord and tenant disputes.

Services provided:

  • Lease negotiations for stadiums and training facilities
  • Commercial property acquisitions and sales
  • Real estate due diligence and risk assessment
  • Landlord-tenant dispute resolution
  • Commercial property development advisory
  • Property portfolio management for sports organisations
Commercial Real Estate


Residential Real Estate

Our team delivers swift and efficient residential property support for sports professionals both in the UK and overseas.

Services provided:

  • High-value residential property acquisitions
  • Property due diligence and transaction management
  • Landlord and tenant agreements
  • Negotiating residential property sales
  • Lease agreements for international athletes
  • Real estate portfolio management for athletes
Residential Real Estate Disputes


Examples of Our Expertise

Acting in more than 40 FIFA, CAS and other domestic sports arbitrations for a range of stakeholders including players, clubs agents and federations.

Acting for an intermediary in a significant dispute with a Premier League football club and a Premier League football player.

Acting for Carlo Ancelotti in a dispute with Everton Football Club.

Acting on Professional Football Compensation Committee claims for a Premier League club.

Acting for football agents in connection with FA investigations and disputes with clubs over unpaid commission.

Acting on Financial Fair Play investigations and disputes.

Acting for the owner of an English football club on reputation management issues.

Acting for a football club in connection with investment into the club and stadium relocation.

Acting for a top tier brand on its sponsorship deal with an F1 racing team.

Acting for a foreign national senior executive of a top Premier League club, advising on their tax affairs.

The Quastels Team

Our Sports Law Experts

Simon Grossobel


Dispute Resolution

Robert Kay


Dispute Resolution

Adam Convisser


Corporate & Commercial

Ben Rosen


Private Wealth & Tax

Daniel Blake


Dispute Resolution

Jayesh Jethwa



Mark Cornelius


Commercial Real Estate

Ann-Maree Blake


Corporate & Commercial

Florence Wilson-Gunn

Trainee Solicitor

Dispute Resolution


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Let’s Talk About Your Question


Frequently Asked Questions

Distributing the estate to the beneficiaries

Before the estate is distributed, the executors must confirm that all of the deceased’s creditors have been located and any debts are settled. The executors must place a newspaper notice to creditors, also allow six months from the estate for any claimant against the estate to come forward.  The executors must also ensure that the deceased’s tax affairs have been finalised, including settling all IHT, income tax and capital gains tax.


The residuary estate can only be distributed to the beneficiaries in accordance with the deceased’s Will once the estate has been finalised.


It is important to note, that the above stages are based on the assumption that the deceased left a valid Will appointing executors to deal with their estate. If there is not a valid Will, otherwise known as an intestacy, the process to administer the estate will be slightly different.


Please contact us if you have any further questions.

Collecting the estate assets and settling estate liabilities

The executors will provide a copy of the Grant of Probate to any asset holders and request that the deceased’s assets are sold, liquidated or transferred.


Once all assets are collected in, any outstanding liabilities will be settled from the deceased’s estate funds before the estate can be finalised and distributed.

Applying for Probate

The executors will make an application to the Probate Registry for a Grant of Probate. If the estate is taxable the executors will not be able to apply for Probate until HMRC have accepted that all IHT has been paid.


The Grant of Probate is the document that confirms the individuals who are legally entitled to administer the estate. Once this has been obtained, the executors are able to begin collecting in the estate assets and settling any liabilities.

Reporting the value of the estate to HMRC and paying IHT

When the estate must be reported to HMRC, the executors need to complete an IHT return, known as an IHT400.


The IHT400 and enclosed schedules will set out the value of the deceased’s assets and any outstanding liabilities.


Any applicable IHT reliefs or exemptions will be applied to the gross value of the estate and the IHT due will be calculated and paid to HMRC.  IHT is ordinarily paid in advance of applying for probate subject to the availability of the option to pay by instalments.

Valuing assets for probate

The value of assets for probate purposes is the value as at the date of death.


When valuing property, it is recommended to obtain a red book valuation of the property as at the date of death.


If, however, you are valuing personal possessions such as jewellery, the value included is the market value as at the date of death, not the insurance value. It is also recommended that a professional valuation of any jewellery, or valuable possessions, is obtained.


When valuing shares and investments, it is the value of those holdings as at the end of the day on the date of death that is required.

What is probate?

Probate is the legal process whereby a deceased individual’s estate is administered.


The principal stages during the administration of the estate include:

1. Valuing the assets and liabilities within the estate as at the date of death;

2. Reporting the value of the estate to HMRC and paying inheritance tax (IHT), if required;

3. Applying for the Grant of Probate;

4. Collecting in the estate assets and settling estate liabilities; and

5. Distributing the estate to the beneficiaries.

How long will it take to resolve my case?

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What should I bring to my initial consultation?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur maximus sit amet massa et tincidunt. Mauris eget congue nibh, at vestibulum justo. Integer venenatis lectus quis neque suscipit ultrices. Nam semper posuere dolor eu eleifend. Aliquam lectus nibh, eleifend ut lobortis id, molestie in libero. Donec vitae ullamcorper justo. Curabitur a metus ut diam dictum auctor sed id tortor. Morbi at sapien ac dolor mattis scelerisque. Phasellus sed vulputate tellus.

What should I expect during the legal process?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur maximus sit amet massa et tincidunt. Mauris eget congue nibh, at vestibulum justo. Integer venenatis lectus quis neque suscipit ultrices. Nam semper posuere dolor eu eleifend. Aliquam lectus nibh, eleifend ut lobortis id, molestie in libero. Donec vitae ullamcorper justo. Curabitur a metus ut diam dictum auctor sed id tortor. Morbi at sapien ac dolor mattis scelerisque. Phasellus sed vulputate tellus.

trusted legal excellence

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