Eleanor Catling




Eleanor is a Solicitor in the Private Wealth and Tax team with experience advising both UK and international clients on UK tax and estate and succession planning. Eleanor provides advice to high net worth individuals and families.

As a Solicitor at Quastels, Eleanor works on a variety of matters advising high net worth individuals and families on UK tax and estate planning.

Eleanor has extensive experience having worked for three years as a Paralegal in Private Client before completing her training contract and qualifying in January 2024.

Eleanor advises on a wide range of Private Wealth matters including:

  • UK tax for UK and international clients;
  • Wills;
  • Residence and Domicile;
  • Estate planning;
  • Lasting Powers of Attorney; and
  • HMRC enquiries.

Eleanor works closely with other members of the Private Wealth and Tax team to deliver a personable and high-end service.

Eleanor advises a wide range of clients including both private individuals and families in the UK and globally.

Eleanor provides a personable experience for clients with dedication to providing each client with a specific and tailored experience to their individual needs.

trusted legal excellence

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